Monday, February 7, 2011

Hi There! Face Here!

DISCLAIMER: If you know me, you know I write how I speak and I don't say much when I do, with run-on sentences and extra words and unnecessary fillers like like and that... "it's like this and like that and uh.." you know that song?  So back to the sort of point to all this...... having a blog and actually attempting to record something for the entire interworld to see, understandably, causes a little anxiety. 

These is my faces. 
[Starting with something easy, Photoboothpix.]

And my students don't believe me when I say I'm so hood. This was from 2 point 5 years ago when I still lived in Muncie. Check my awesome wall of photos....

OK, this is from when I had poison ivy 2 summers ago.  I have a ton of pictures because I charted its progress as the poison ivy took over and for about 3 weeks. Hell.
This next one as you've already noticed is the grossest picture of my face. ever. This is still poison ivy face. I had cream meds on my face and then took a giant nap, so my face was super poofy and wrinkled. I was miserable then but it makes me laug now. Sorry if you just threw up a little.

Just in case you were worried that my face stuck like that, you shouldn't.  I got a shot of Cortisone in the ass and things started turning around for the better. As least in my face... the shot left a dimple in my ass... but I have a lot of dents there from years of hail damage, so it's totally cool.  I'd rather have dents all over my legs and ass to get my face back to it's normal features any day.

This next photo exhibits my excitement for the new, barely there, definition popping out of the fat in my biceps.  I had actually been working out regularly for 4 months straight at the end of this summer- beginning this school year.  It was pretty neato, felt pretty great; i've been trying, ever since my coaching job ended in NOvember, to get that consistency back.  Unfortunately I've been backsliding. 
(Aaand yes if you haven't noticed by now those are stuffed animals in my ceiling. Hospitalization due to a playground accident in first grade lends you an unwanted large collection of stuffed animals.)

Believe it or not, I don't smile enough.  And I not only don't smile enough, I look PISSED a lot, err all the time.  A lot of times I am just insecure, waltzing around like a damn fool. However, other times... it's just habit and my face kinda got stuck that way, FO' REAL. IT IS REALLY DUMB! Sooo i'm tryinna have a happier face.  So here's to that.